Stomach Liposuction removes fat cells from the abdomen area permanently. The cells aren’t re-created They don’t move and your body doesn’t alter the location where fat is stored.
1. Not All Fat is Created Equal
There are two kinds of fats that are particularly relevant when discussing stomach liposuction: subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.
Subcutaneous fat can be described as the jagged easily pinchable fat that lies beneath the skin. It’s generally safe, however, visually it may be unattractive. Visceral fat can be found in within the abdomen cavity. It can be visually recognized as the common “beer belly” – it’s tough and hard and those who have lots of visceral fat can be described as “skinny-fat.” It’s also significantly more harmful to overall wellbeing than subcutaneous fat.
The fat cells in all of us release hormones, however since visceral fat is located next to organs and organs, it is more likely to affect organ functions. This could cause an increase in levels of insulin resistance (type 2 diabetes) and increased blood pressure, and greater good cholesterol (LDL) levels in your bloodstream and increase the risk of stroke and heart disease.
Stomach Liposuction can only eliminate the subcutaneous excess fat. Visceral fat is solidly embedded in the abdominal cavity and cannot be sucked out. Weight loss via exercise and diet can help reduce visceral fat in a safe and efficiently.

A large amount of visceral fat will not necessarily stop you from getting liposuction, however it can influence the type of outcomes you will get after the surgery. The above patient underwent abdominal liposuction along with the waist and hips.
There are visible results and the patient was very happy. But, we can also observe that the stomach remains a bit fullness . This is due to visceral fat that isn’t addressed by liposuction.
Visceral fat makes up approximately 10 percent or less of total body fat. In general for men who has a waist of more than 40 inches or an overweight woman who has more than 35 inches in waist the visceral fat is likely to negatively impact your health and when your health is not good then you might not be a suitable candidate for liposuction.
2. Stomach Liposuction Doesn’t Require General Anesthesia
This is the case for all body parts, however this wasn’t always the scenario! In fact, there are surgeons who favor the traditional method of general anesthesia, particularly when it comes to abdomens. If your surgeon is using general anesthesia or local only you can be sure they’ll utilize the tumescent method that has been the standard for safe and efficient the procedure for years.
The tumescent technique of stomach liposuction involves filling the fat layer between the skin and the abdominal cavity using the tumescent fluid, an amalgamation of saline and Epinephrine with sodium bicarbonate acting as buffer.
The saline solution covers the fatty layer beneath the skin until it’s larger and more hard (or tumesced) which makes it easier to shape – which is why this technique is sometimes referred to as liposculpture. The epinephrine is vasoconstrictors, thereby constricting blood vessels in the region to prevent bruising and loss of blood.
If your doctor is doing stomach liposuction using local anesthesia the surgeon will also add lidocaine (a an agent for numbing) to the liquid tumescent. This allows surgeons to do the procedure without putting patients to be asleep as well as reducing the risk associated with general anesthesia, which makes the procedure more secure in general. The tumescent technique that uses local anesthesia is the method we employ here at the Houston Lipo Center.
3. Beware of Loose Skin and Belly Hang
As you get older and get older, the collagen that your body produces diminishes. This means less skin elasticity , which means your skin won’t bounce back the way it did in the past. It’s not a bad time to undergo liposuction! However, keep in mind that the more advanced you are the more likely that skin laxity could be a problem, particularly when you have stomach lipo.
You might be aware that loose skin is an issue after significant weight loss. It could also be a problem following liposuction. Laser-assisted liposuction such as SmartLipo will provide you with the most effective results for skin tightening by liposuction all on its own. There are situations where in light of the weight of your abdomen or the absence in skin flexibility, you might think about the possibility of a tummy Tuck.
4. Fat Doesn’t Move Around (But You Can Still Gain Weight)

Liposuction can be considered an investment for your body as with any investment, it should be kept in good condition. The stomach liposuction will not stop you from gaining the weight that you have in your stomach, and certainly won’t stop your body from growing. Even if you are gaining weight however, your stomach will appear slimmer than it be otherwise! Be aware that liposuction does not serve as an option for weight loss and should not be utilized as such.
Following stomach liposuction, your body has less fat cells in your abdomen than they did before (about 70 percent lesser). In the event that you are overweight following stomach liposuction, your body is able to store the same amount of calories in exactly the same locations as it normally does. But, because we’ve removed lots of stomach fat cells some areas might appear larger than your stomach by contrast.
The abdomen will always appear less tinier than what it might be without liposuction, however, that doesn’t mean that you can eat what you want and not gain weight. It’s a fact that you must keep in mind — the procedure isn’t a fast solution and shouldn’t be utilized in the same way as other treatments.
5. Six-pack Abs are Made in the Gym (and the Kitchen)
There’s a good chance you’ve heard the expression “abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.” It’s true. There’s plenty of truth in this. If you’re carrying an abundance in subcutaneous fat no matter how large and powerful the abdominal muscles of your they’re never going to show up.
However, liposuction is able to remove subcutaneous fat, doesn’t it? Then why can’t every person who undergoes liposuction get six-pack abs?
The answer is quite straightforward: abs are made by cooking as well as in the gym. For instance, in instances of stomach lipo both the gym and operating room.
Most likely, you’ve observed people with flat stomachs. They’re not very fat in their stomachs and may observe some muscle definition but they’re not sporting the look of an ideal six-pack. Visceral fat may also play in the equation – as we’ve previously demonstrated If you’re carrying lots in visceral fat it’s possible that you will not be able to achieve an erect stomach after the procedure of lipo. However, if you don’t build strong ab muscles through exercises or weight lifting, don’t think of developing abs through the procedure.

With this before-and-after image we can see the result of an stomach liposuction case where we can clearly see the clearly defined abs. This patient definitely hits the gym and works his abs and obliques. Therefore, even though some of your friends may have an unnaturally slim stomach nobody is born with naturally six-pack They’re created at the gym, just as they’re within the OR.
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